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Важность спанбондного полипропиленового нетканого материала для масок

Ян 2, 2024 | Новости

Нетканые материалы стали незаменимы для изготовления защитных масок и предметов медицинского назначения.. Среди различных видов нетканых материалов, используемых для масок, спанбонд-полипропилен пользуется популярностью. Spunbonded polypropylene nonwoven fabric is specifically designed for the production of face masks and medical masks, offering strength, lightness, and cost-effectiveness.

Understanding Spunbonded Polypropylene Nonwoven Fabric

SS 100% полипропиленовая нестандартная весовая точка нетканые ткани белого черного цвета

Spunbonded полипропиленовый нетканый материал is made from 100% полипропиленовый полимер. Polypropylene is a versatile material that can exhibit a range of properties depending on the manufacturing process. In the case of spunbonding, polypropylene fibers are extruded and randomly laid on a conveyor belt. These fibers are then bonded together through hot air or calendering, resulting in a sturdy and flexible nonwoven fabric.

The Advantages of Spunbonded Polypropylene Nonwoven Fabric for Masks:

Breathability: The porous structure of spunbonded polypropylene allows for airflow while still acting as a barrier. This breathability enhances wearer comfort and reduces moisture buildup within the mask.

Lightweight and Durable: Spunbonded polypropylene is lightweight but possesses excellent tensile strength for its weight. This combination of characteristics ensures a durable and long-lasting fabric.

Hydrophobic Nature: Polypropylene is hydrophobic, это означает, что он отталкивает влагу и воду. This quality helps the mask maintain its shape and prevents pathogens or particles from passing through the fabric.

Cost-Effective: Spunbonded polypropylene nonwoven fabric is inexpensive to produce. The affordability of polypropylene resin and the efficiency of the spunbonding process make it a cost-effective choice for large-scale mask production.

Flexibility and Conformity: The fabric is flexible and pliable, allowing it to drape well and conform to the contours of the face, ensuring a snug fit.

Basic Filtration and Particle Control: The fine fibers and random laydown pattern of spunbonded polypropylene enable good filtration of larger particles. With certain modifications to the weaving process, the filtration performance can be enhanced for smaller particles as well.

Due to these advantages, spunbonded polypropylene nonwoven fabric remains the primary choice for producing affordable and durable face masks and medical masks. When higher levels of filtration are required, it can also serve as a base layer in combination with meltblown filter media. Polypropylene nonwoven fabric is a versatile, economical, and effective material for mask production and the manufacturing of medical supplies.