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Метод изготовления флизелиновых обоев и необходимые вопросы

Флизелиновые обои, также называемые флизелиновыми бумажными обоями, это своего рода высококачественные обои / обои. Благодаря использованию нетканых материалов из натуральных растительных волокон., имеет большую силу растяжения, больше защиты окружающей среды, без плесени и желтизны, а хорошая воздухопроницаемость – основная причина качественных обоев. Substrate.

Способ поклейки флизелиновых обоев:

1. Обработка стен Поверхность стены должна быть ровной, чистый, сухой, однородный по цвету, и без пустот, выпуклые и вогнутые дефекты. Поверхность стены следует обработать пленкой-основой (или лак) before construction.

2. Wallpaper cutting Place the wallpaper according to the serial number of the wallpaper, measure the height of the wall, and set aside 5 cm above and below the height of the wall to cut the wallpaper. Remember to cut one roll of wallpaper at a time to prevent quality problems.

3. Brush wallpaper glue The glue for pasting non-woven wallpaper must be evenly painted on the wall, and the thickness is only 2mm. Never brush the glue directly on the back of the non-woven fabric, let alone soaking it in water. Unlike other wallpapers, non-woven fabrics should have a thicker and thicker glue than other wallpapers to reduce their fluidity.

4. Wallpapering

Post the non-woven wallpaper in the order compared in advance.

5. Construction wallpaper cutting It is necessary to lay the sides and cut the construction. The specific method is to lay the sides during construction. The amount of the sides depends on the pattern, о 3 см. The plain non-woven fabric is constructed by the method of positive and negative paste during construction. After ensuring that the pattern is aligned, press the ruler at the overlapping place to cut, try to avoid cutting at the outside corner, so as not to cause the wallpaper at the outside corner to warp, make sure that the cutter is sharp when cutting, and there should be no burrs. , At the same time pay attention to the strength of the knife, to ensure that one cut, one cut, but not excessively hurt the surface of the wall.

6. Clean after the wallpaper is pasted

If there is dust on the surface after construction, use a short-bristled brush or duster to wipe it lightly. Do not wipe it with a wet towel to cause the pollution to expand.

Precautions for pasting non-woven wallpaper:

1. During construction, after the base paint coating is dry, draw a vertical line as a standard to avoid incorrectly pasting the wallpaper.

2. Do not use a hard scraper or nylon brush after the wallpaper is on the wall. You should use a soft brush to scrape gently from top to bottom to smooth the surface of the non-woven fabric to remove bubbles and wrinkles. Do not scrape the glue out of the joints to avoid pollution If you accidentally squeeze the glue out of the surface, wipe it off with a dry towel immediately, and try to keep your hands clean during construction.

3. During construction, check while constructing, stop the construction immediately if any problems are found, find out the cause and solution before proceeding.

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