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Маска для лица из материалов PP Spunbond

Печатный нетканый материал Spunlaced

В связи с пандемией COVID-19, использование масок для лица стало обычной практикой во всем мире. Точно, в Китае, Правительство контролирует пандемию посредством ношения масок всеми китайцами в соответствии с указом. Так, we win the war to conquer the COVID-19 pandemic finally. The demand for face mask has increased dramatically, resulting in a shortage of suitable materials to manufacture them. One of the most popular materials used to make face mask is nonwovens, especially those made from PP spunbond.

Definition Of Nonwovens fabrics

A nonwoven is a material made of fibers that are bonded together using different techniques such as thermal, chemical or mechanical methods. The material is known for its lightweight, breathable and waterproof properties, making it ideal for use in face masks.

PP spunbond is a non-woven fabric made of polypropylene fibers that are spun and then bonded together by heat. The resulting material is strong, прочный, и устойчив к влаге и химикатам. PP spunbond nonwovens are widely used in different industries including healthcare, agriculture and construction.

Face Mask PP Spunbond Nonwoven Fabric

When it comes to masks, PP spunbond nonwovens are one of the most popular choices due to their unique properties.

Nonwovens Made Of PP Spunbond

Nonwovens made of PP spunbond are also easy to handle. And also it can be easily incorporated into different mask designs. The fabric can be cut into different shapes and sizes. It allows the creation of masks to fit different face shapes and shapes. Кроме того, PP spunbond nonwovens are easy to sterilize. Then making them ideal for use in medical and healthcare environments.

Conclusion Of PP Spunbond Nonwoven Fabric

In conclusion, Нетканый материал из полипропилена спанбонд is an excellent choice for face masks due to its unique properties. Its lightweight, breathable and waterproof properties make it an ideal material for the production of face masks. As the world continues to grapple with the COVID-19 pandemic, masks made from non-woven fabrics will continue to play a key role in preventing the spread of the virus.

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